The Edge of Town, 1921 - 1941, south side of E. State St. west of Broadway
Hosted by Salem Chamber of Commerce, 713 E. State Street.
Hosted by Salem Chamber of Commerce, 713 E. State Street.
Edge of Town is one of many paintings that Charles Burchfield started early in his career and then enlarged many years later. This painting was begun in 1921, when this block of buildings was actually near the center of downtown Salem, and right across the street from City Hall. The buildings still exist, in the block of State Street west of Broadway Avenue. Even in 1921 there were numerous buildings and businesses further west, where a vast open space appears in the painting. The original painting only showed four buildings. However, when Burchfield enlarged the painting in 1941, the building on the left side, now the corner of State Street and Broadway, was added, along with the awning (where City Hall would have been) on the right. The view must have been important to Charles Burchfield because he included the same buildings in Winter Twilight, which he painted in 1930. The tall building in the center, with the bay windows, was the Royal Theatre, which showed moving pictures. Other businesses in this block included John Martini's Saloon, three different barbers, and J. Barber's Jewelry. The building on the left side was the home of Bolger and French, Druggists. It was actually three stories tall, but in the painting Burchfield made it the same height as its neighbor.
Photo of the south side of State Street west of Broadway, Showing the Royal Theater in the center.
Dale Shafer photo, about 1970, from the collection of the Salem Historical Society.
Dale Shafer photo, about 1970, from the collection of the Salem Historical Society.